Small gallery update!
Posted 5 years agoI went back through old pieces and removed any references to a specific tag, and also updated the gender slot on multiple pieces now that "Trans (Male)" is an option.
Carry on!
Carry on!
Thoughts on short stories attached to artwork
Posted 5 years agoSay! I've been considering adding little short stories that go with the pieces of artwork that either I create or commission. How interested would y'all be in seeing/reading those? Is it something you'd take the time to read or do you really just care for the smut itself?
Story posted!
Posted 6 years agoI had mentioned earlier upon uploading that I wanted to write a story for "May I...?"
Well, it's been added to the description! Check it out if you're interested c:
Well, it's been added to the description! Check it out if you're interested c:
Opening Up a Ko-Fi
Posted 6 years agoGood morning, all! And happy Spooky Month!
Due to increasingly dire financial circumstances, and against my stubborn refuse-help nature, I'm opening up a ko-fi.
Don't feel obligated to donate, but every little bit helps!
Thanks for the time, continue having a lovely day <3
Due to increasingly dire financial circumstances, and against my stubborn refuse-help nature, I'm opening up a ko-fi.
Don't feel obligated to donate, but every little bit helps!
Thanks for the time, continue having a lovely day <3
Apologies for the Upload Spam!
Posted 6 years agoI tend not to like doing things in parts, and I'm often ill disposed when I get a finished commission incoming. So sorry about doing these all throughout the day, heck!
But hey, hope y'all enjoy the smut, bweheheh~
There'll be some more later, but I'll give you a break until probably later tonight.
But hey, hope y'all enjoy the smut, bweheheh~
There'll be some more later, but I'll give you a break until probably later tonight.
Well, fuck it. Gonna be relatively active here again.
Posted 8 years agoGonna upload all my commissions, gift art, etc, as well as personal art and commissions here again. Expect a spam, but I'll try not to be too harsh, oops.
Where do you prefer to see my stuff?
Posted 8 years agoAs of now I post all my work on inkbunny, no longer uploading here due to...well, reasons you've all heard prior.
Now, that said, my work on inkbunny is available for guests to see, regardless of its rating. But I want to ask you guys regardless: is there anyone that wants me to upload stuff here, as well? I imagine it's more visibility, period, and some people probably don't like that inkbunny allows cub works.
Now, that said, my work on inkbunny is available for guests to see, regardless of its rating. But I want to ask you guys regardless: is there anyone that wants me to upload stuff here, as well? I imagine it's more visibility, period, and some people probably don't like that inkbunny allows cub works.
Less Active
Posted 9 years agoI'm probably going to be less active on FA. You can continue to see my uploads on Inkbunny, here. I might register on FN, maybe I'll actually use Weasyl. Depends on how things go over on FN tbh.
Opening for Commissions!
Posted 9 years agoSo, due to a dwindling bank account, needing funds for next semester of college, and also wanting to get back into drawing more frequently, I've decided to open for commissions. It's no emergency, but all orders are appreciated!
I'll be starting with three slots: someone can order up to three pieces per slot, but may only reserve one per person.
[SLOT ONE]: [empty]
[SLOT TWO]: [empty]
[SLOT THREE]: [empty]
RULES: Payment will be received after the piece is finished on a piece-by-piece basis through PayPal.
Limit to two (detailed) characters per piece.
Please understand that I'm still trying to improve, and more complex characters (especially with wings) may not be possible for me to draw.
I will draw both SFW and NSFW pieces (as I'm a primarily NSFW artist), though there are some fetishes I will not draw: these include scat, hyper muscle/fat, macro/micro, hard vore (with an exception), characters with breasts, and necrophilia. An easy way to see where my interests lie is to check out my F-List, which is linked in my profile.
Common fetishes I will draw include footplay, watersports, hypnosis, vore, inflation, bondage, and size difference.
Prices can be found in the commission section of my FA profile, which you can find here.
You may ask for a character of mine to be used in your commission, but please understand that I may deny your request if I am not familiar with you and you ask for him to interact with your own character.
Negotiating a slot is first-come, first-serve. Details will be exchanged through notes or PM's.
If you have further questions, feel free to leave a comment below.
I'll be starting with three slots: someone can order up to three pieces per slot, but may only reserve one per person.
[SLOT ONE]: [empty]
[SLOT TWO]: [empty]
[SLOT THREE]: [empty]
RULES: Payment will be received after the piece is finished on a piece-by-piece basis through PayPal.
Limit to two (detailed) characters per piece.
Please understand that I'm still trying to improve, and more complex characters (especially with wings) may not be possible for me to draw.
I will draw both SFW and NSFW pieces (as I'm a primarily NSFW artist), though there are some fetishes I will not draw: these include scat, hyper muscle/fat, macro/micro, hard vore (with an exception), characters with breasts, and necrophilia. An easy way to see where my interests lie is to check out my F-List, which is linked in my profile.
Common fetishes I will draw include footplay, watersports, hypnosis, vore, inflation, bondage, and size difference.
Prices can be found in the commission section of my FA profile, which you can find here.
You may ask for a character of mine to be used in your commission, but please understand that I may deny your request if I am not familiar with you and you ask for him to interact with your own character.
Negotiating a slot is first-come, first-serve. Details will be exchanged through notes or PM's.
If you have further questions, feel free to leave a comment below.
Looking for Modestly-Priced Commissions?
Posted 9 years agoYou should totes check out Azura, whose prices are listed here:
He's fine with both sfw and nsfw, as well as a variety of kinks c:
He's fine with both sfw and nsfw, as well as a variety of kinks c:
Free Ferrin Raffle (By Demu)
Posted 9 years ago"Hey guys!
Do you want a ferrin design but haven't had the chance to adopt one for whatever reason? cynicalillusion has offered to give away one of their Angora ferrin designs as a way to spread awareness for Whitevale/Ferrin! ;w; It's so nice and I thought I'd host this event for you guys.
Here are the raffle terms:
Here are the ferrin you could win (you'd pick one):
Angora Snow/Sky:
Angora Snow/Forest:
To enter, please comment on this journal!
You can get another entry by retweeting the tweet about the raffle over here: "
Do you want a ferrin design but haven't had the chance to adopt one for whatever reason? cynicalillusion has offered to give away one of their Angora ferrin designs as a way to spread awareness for Whitevale/Ferrin! ;w; It's so nice and I thought I'd host this event for you guys.
Here are the raffle terms:
Here are the ferrin you could win (you'd pick one):
Angora Snow/Sky:
Angora Snow/Forest:
To enter, please comment on this journal!
You can get another entry by retweeting the tweet about the raffle over here: "
Possible YCH
Posted 9 years agoI'm thinking of opening a YCH for a gangbang scene, with yours truly in the center. How many people -might- be interested, at the least?
Current Status
Posted 10 years agoso uh, I'm in the hospital right now
Not going to explain why here but if you -really- want to know, ask me through Skype
Anyhow, not gonna be able to do much at all over the next week, it seems
So, sorry about that!
Not going to explain why here but if you -really- want to know, ask me through Skype
Anyhow, not gonna be able to do much at all over the next week, it seems
So, sorry about that!
Question Regarding My Uploads
Posted 10 years agoDo you guys who still follow me not mind only finding my stuff on Inkbunny, or would you rather I post here as well?
If there's enough interest it might persuade me to change my mind.
If there's enough interest it might persuade me to change my mind.
Just a Reminder
Posted 10 years agoI don't upload my work here anymore. If you'd like to see my stuff still, I'm continuing to upload over on Inkbunny. Username Cyndan, as usual.
Commissions maybe?
Posted 10 years agoI might not be uploading here but how many of you would like to be able to commission me? Prices would probably be...well, let's say 5 bucks sketch one character, and full color would be 10-15 per character. They'd be cheap, since I know I'm not exactly the best of artists.
In regards to recent events
Posted 10 years agoI'll no longer be uploading any more artwork here. I'll still be active here in case you need me, but if you'd like to continue seeing my art, you'll have to go to my inkbunny.
So yeah, that's all I have to say on the matter. Carry on.
So yeah, that's all I have to say on the matter. Carry on.
What They Refer to as a "Pimpage"
Posted 10 years agoA friend of mine is doing a raffle found heeeeeeere:
go nuts
or don't, then it gives me more of a chance l3c
go nuts
or don't, then it gives me more of a chance l3c
Making an actual fursona???? mAYBE???
Posted 10 years agoNot sure how I feel on it but I probably will! I'm torn between an otter, a ferret, or a bird. Asking around there seems to be a marginal preference for ferret, but idk! I identify with otters more but ferrets have a special place in my heart from having them as pets long ago. Birds are...they're birds, and sometimes I think I identify as avian moreso than mammal. Idk! What do you think?
Ask me things!
Posted 10 years agoEither through tumblr or right here, just go ahead and ask me anything. Literally nothing is off limits except for like...super personal info, but that's common sense.
What art do you guys want to see from me?
Posted 10 years agoLike, I'm fairly certain most of you came for the nsfw art or only because you're a friend of mine.
But what I'd like to know is what kind of art do you guys like the most? Like, vanilla art, art for a certain fetish, just seeing Cyn, or a certain species or something? Or, hell, even the sfw art, too!
I have a piece in mind, but after that I think I'll go by what you guys suggest.
But what I'd like to know is what kind of art do you guys like the most? Like, vanilla art, art for a certain fetish, just seeing Cyn, or a certain species or something? Or, hell, even the sfw art, too!
I have a piece in mind, but after that I think I'll go by what you guys suggest.
Icon Commissions, Maybe?
Posted 10 years agoI'm thinking of opening up commissions for icons in the same style as my own. You'd send me a ref of your character and a color, and I'd go with that.
For prices, I'm thinking a pay what you want deal with a 3 dollar minimum fee. I'd be opening three slots at a time so as not to get overwhelmed, and this would probably be available for...well, as long as people are interested, I guess!
For prices, I'm thinking a pay what you want deal with a 3 dollar minimum fee. I'd be opening three slots at a time so as not to get overwhelmed, and this would probably be available for...well, as long as people are interested, I guess!
Something dumb
Posted 11 years agoBlame that sexy fuck of a Sandlava for this.
1. Is there anyone on your friends list you would ever consider having sex with?
Definitely, I think there are five or six?
2. Sex in the morning, afternoon or night?
If I had to choose oooooooone, I'd say night.
3. What side of the bed do you sleep on?
I do the flop. Sides do not matter to me. I'm sharing the bed with you? Incorrect. You get the sliver of space by the wall or something.
4. Do you masturbate?
How could you even SUGGEST that? D:>
5. How often? Lately?
Usually twice a night, sometimes more, or, if I'm lucky, just once per night >v<
6. Have you ever taken your clothes off for money?
Well, does strip BGO count?
7. Do you prefer showers or baths?
Showers. They're faster :B
8. Have you ever had sex in the shower or the bath?
I'd LIKE to, but as of yet have not.
9. Do you watch/read pornography with other people?
We used to have fanfic Friday at my friend's house where we'd read the worst possibly fanfictions we could. Hitler, Jesus, and God, anyone?
10. Do you want someone aggressive or passive in bed?
Aggressive. I guess I'm passive, but I don't mind being an active bottom.
11. Do you love someone on your friends list?
I don't actually -love- anyone. Do I have crushes, yes, but I don't love anyone.
12. Do you know all the people on your friends list?
Not really. Some people just don't really like talking to me too often. I do know a large portion of it, though (minusfacebookbecausewhoaretheylikeseriously)
13. Would you choose love or money?
I'm...not sure. Maybe an even mix of both? Not permanent, true love, but never dirt-poor, either.
14. Your top three favorite kinks in bed?
I'm gonna go irl here, alright?
1. Foreskin. God damn it if you have foreskin I am literally putty. Ask two of my friends, heheh.
2. Bondage. I dunno what's up with it's amazing to me. Tie me up and completely restrain me.
3. Domination. This goes hand in hand with the other fetishes I could of put up here, but if you're arrogating the control and making sure I know my place, you and I are gonna have a swell time.
15. Has anyone ever gone beyond your personal line of respect sexually?
I...can't really say so, no.
16. Where is the most romantic place you have had sex?
Considering I've never HAD sex... x3
17. Where is the weirdest place you have had sex?
See the previous.
18. Have you ever been caught having sex?
Aaaand the previous.
19. Have you ever been to a strip club?
Nope c:
20. Ever been to a bar just to get sex?
I'm not a fan of drinking so I don't think I'd ever be seen in a bar x3
21. Ever been kicked out of a bar or a club for sexual reasons?
See the previous.
22. Ever been picked up in a bar?
Aaaaaaand the previous.
23. Have you ever kissed or had sex with someone of the same sex?
I ALMOST kissed a guy. Or was kissed. It was my brother's friend and he left us alone for a while, so the kid wanted to start making out with me as soon as the door was closed. I...put a stop to that.
24. What's your sexual preference?
Males, definitely. Not sure if I mind C-boys or not. I dislike breasts more than female genitalia, surprisingly :B
25. Had sex in a movie theater?
Nope. I'm still a virgin.
26. Had sex in a bathroom?
I'm taking sixteen dicks in the bathroom as we speak.
27. Have you ever had sex at work?
I don't have a job!
28. Have you ever been in an "adult" store?
Plenty of online ones.
29. Bought something from an adult store?
30. Do you own any sex toys?
31. If yes, how many and what are they?
Just a small, plastic, wavy vibrator.
32. Does anyone have naughty pics of you or are you on film?
l3c *coughexhibitionismcough*
33. Have you ever had sex with someone and called them the wrong name?
Not yet.
34. Have you ever had phone sex?
"Kinda. Does Skype sex count?"
35. Have you ever had cyber sex?
I blame Pokemon outright.
36. Do you think oral sex constitutes a form of intercourse?
Not intercourse, but sex, yes. To me, intercourse is a penis in the vagina. At any rate, that's what I've been taught. Sex is everything, though!
37. What's your favorite sexual position?
It's your pick ;3
Granted, the self-service pump is pretty rad...or me tied up and hanging just about anyhow is also rad.
38. What's your favorite sex act?
Probably focus on the oral, but this is one I can't really say until I actually have sex.
39. Have you ever had sex with more than one person at a time?
40. Who do you think has the guts to re-post this?
Probably half of my friends :U
1. Is there anyone on your friends list you would ever consider having sex with?
Definitely, I think there are five or six?
2. Sex in the morning, afternoon or night?
If I had to choose oooooooone, I'd say night.
3. What side of the bed do you sleep on?
I do the flop. Sides do not matter to me. I'm sharing the bed with you? Incorrect. You get the sliver of space by the wall or something.
4. Do you masturbate?
How could you even SUGGEST that? D:>
5. How often? Lately?
Usually twice a night, sometimes more, or, if I'm lucky, just once per night >v<
6. Have you ever taken your clothes off for money?
Well, does strip BGO count?
7. Do you prefer showers or baths?
Showers. They're faster :B
8. Have you ever had sex in the shower or the bath?
I'd LIKE to, but as of yet have not.
9. Do you watch/read pornography with other people?
We used to have fanfic Friday at my friend's house where we'd read the worst possibly fanfictions we could. Hitler, Jesus, and God, anyone?
10. Do you want someone aggressive or passive in bed?
Aggressive. I guess I'm passive, but I don't mind being an active bottom.
11. Do you love someone on your friends list?
I don't actually -love- anyone. Do I have crushes, yes, but I don't love anyone.
12. Do you know all the people on your friends list?
Not really. Some people just don't really like talking to me too often. I do know a large portion of it, though (minusfacebookbecausewhoaretheylikeseriously)
13. Would you choose love or money?
I'm...not sure. Maybe an even mix of both? Not permanent, true love, but never dirt-poor, either.
14. Your top three favorite kinks in bed?
I'm gonna go irl here, alright?
1. Foreskin. God damn it if you have foreskin I am literally putty. Ask two of my friends, heheh.
2. Bondage. I dunno what's up with it's amazing to me. Tie me up and completely restrain me.
3. Domination. This goes hand in hand with the other fetishes I could of put up here, but if you're arrogating the control and making sure I know my place, you and I are gonna have a swell time.
15. Has anyone ever gone beyond your personal line of respect sexually?
I...can't really say so, no.
16. Where is the most romantic place you have had sex?
Considering I've never HAD sex... x3
17. Where is the weirdest place you have had sex?
See the previous.
18. Have you ever been caught having sex?
Aaaand the previous.
19. Have you ever been to a strip club?
Nope c:
20. Ever been to a bar just to get sex?
I'm not a fan of drinking so I don't think I'd ever be seen in a bar x3
21. Ever been kicked out of a bar or a club for sexual reasons?
See the previous.
22. Ever been picked up in a bar?
Aaaaaaand the previous.
23. Have you ever kissed or had sex with someone of the same sex?
I ALMOST kissed a guy. Or was kissed. It was my brother's friend and he left us alone for a while, so the kid wanted to start making out with me as soon as the door was closed. I...put a stop to that.
24. What's your sexual preference?
Males, definitely. Not sure if I mind C-boys or not. I dislike breasts more than female genitalia, surprisingly :B
25. Had sex in a movie theater?
Nope. I'm still a virgin.
26. Had sex in a bathroom?
I'm taking sixteen dicks in the bathroom as we speak.
27. Have you ever had sex at work?
I don't have a job!
28. Have you ever been in an "adult" store?
Plenty of online ones.
29. Bought something from an adult store?
30. Do you own any sex toys?
31. If yes, how many and what are they?
Just a small, plastic, wavy vibrator.
32. Does anyone have naughty pics of you or are you on film?
l3c *coughexhibitionismcough*
33. Have you ever had sex with someone and called them the wrong name?
Not yet.
34. Have you ever had phone sex?
"Kinda. Does Skype sex count?"
35. Have you ever had cyber sex?
I blame Pokemon outright.
36. Do you think oral sex constitutes a form of intercourse?
Not intercourse, but sex, yes. To me, intercourse is a penis in the vagina. At any rate, that's what I've been taught. Sex is everything, though!
37. What's your favorite sexual position?
It's your pick ;3
Granted, the self-service pump is pretty rad...or me tied up and hanging just about anyhow is also rad.
38. What's your favorite sex act?
Probably focus on the oral, but this is one I can't really say until I actually have sex.
39. Have you ever had sex with more than one person at a time?
40. Who do you think has the guts to re-post this?
Probably half of my friends :U
What do you guys look for in a master?
Posted 11 years agoI, personally, prefer them to be incredibly dominant. Rough, unforgiving, even snide. Not afraid to cause an amount of pain and treats the pet like a toy or an object to be used. However, when that isn't happening, they should still show the pet how much they love them and be sweet. That's what separates good and bad doms: whether or not they show and comfort the sub afterward.
If we're talking willing sex slaves then that's another matter outright. The rougher, the better, and the less freedom, the better :3c
If we're talking willing sex slaves then that's another matter outright. The rougher, the better, and the less freedom, the better :3c
Update on the Character
Posted 11 years ago
Essentially, this happened, minus the right side, as a gift from my master, heheh.
I'll be playing him like this from now on, unless one of two conditions are met:
1: Cyndan has not yet hit puberty (basically cub, obviously not gonna take place here)
2: Cyndan is a Quilott
Just for reference for you guys. I know most of you aren't into this but I feel that it fits me.
Essentially, this happened, minus the right side, as a gift from my master, heheh.
I'll be playing him like this from now on, unless one of two conditions are met:
1: Cyndan has not yet hit puberty (basically cub, obviously not gonna take place here)
2: Cyndan is a Quilott
Just for reference for you guys. I know most of you aren't into this but I feel that it fits me.