13 years ago
Meme time! I deleted the really awesome questions like "can I lovingly caress your buttocks while gazing slack-jawed over your shoulder" because, really, if the answer were yes you'd definitely know.
Thursday mid-day
Staying in the main hotel:
I think it's the "main" main hotel?
Means of transportation:
Sharing a room with:
Who do you hang out with:
Ummmm a variety of people? I know a ton of CA furs now that I can't wait to see, and of course lots of others! I am hanging out with all the things.
How old are you:
32, bitches
Are you an Artist:
Are you a Fursuiter:
How many Fursuits are you going to bring/wear:
Just two, Evergreen and Blackberry.
Any new suits or characters Debuting:
Nope, too busy this fall to make a new personal suit I had planned. Always another con, though!
Attending parties:
I know of at least two that friends are having shindigs, and they do tend to just happen, so it's pretty much assured.
Do you drink:
Yep! Though if I don't kick this cold soon I may not get too crazy :P
Do you smoke:
Tobacco is gross.
Are you attending any panels:
Probably one or two, I used to go to a lot but they tend to repeat. I will always attend fursuit building panels if the panelists are good. Lance's panel at FC last year was awesome!
Stage or public performance:
Probably going to do the Masquerade for the first time @_@
How do I identify my self to you:
Just introduce yourself! Show your badge so I see your character. Assuming I'm not deep in conversation it's all good. I may not remember you if we are only acquainted online--heck, I may not remember you if we've met in RL. I am bad with names, please don't take it personally :) Anyhoo, I don't think anyone has ever introduced themselves to me at a con, so if you feel the urge you will probably make my day.
Rules of engagement (physical Contact out of Suit):
I'm actually fine with hugs as long as they are of the brief, platonic variety that would pass muster at a middle school function. Nothing LINGERING AND WEIRD m'kay?
What's the best way to find you:
If I'm out of suit, look for a head of hot pink hair or @ me on Twitter (I check my phone constantly at cons and get notifications, so this is a great way to contact me). I'm MissSkyote on Twitter. I will also be hoofin' it with a clan of Mixed Candy goats over the weekend, so look out for that chaos :D
Do you do trades:
Sometimes, but not at cons.
Are you nice:
I think so! But I'm biased.
If I see you, how should i get your attention:
"Skyote" or "Cassie" both work - yes, it's totally cool for you to call me by my real name. And "Skyote" is pronounced like you combined "husky" and "yote" and then skipped the beginning. I would probably answer to Evergreen or Blackberry, too, who knows.
Can I buy you breakfast, lunch, or dinner sometime:
Do people do this? I mean, that would be awesome. But in reality probably awkward. So no, unless you are a friend who owes me money.
Can I take a picture of ya:
Yay pictures! As long as you aren't talking about pictures with a telephoto from across the street.
Are you going to commission art at the con:
Probably? I haven't even had time to see who will be there.
Anything to add:
I am super duper excited for a group sushi dinner, so that better happen. Also we may be pretty free on Tuesday because we have a later flight, so will probably find something fun in SJ to do that day.
Thursday mid-day
Staying in the main hotel:
I think it's the "main" main hotel?
Means of transportation:
Sharing a room with:
Who do you hang out with:
Ummmm a variety of people? I know a ton of CA furs now that I can't wait to see, and of course lots of others! I am hanging out with all the things.
How old are you:
32, bitches
Are you an Artist:
Are you a Fursuiter:
How many Fursuits are you going to bring/wear:
Just two, Evergreen and Blackberry.
Any new suits or characters Debuting:
Nope, too busy this fall to make a new personal suit I had planned. Always another con, though!
Attending parties:
I know of at least two that friends are having shindigs, and they do tend to just happen, so it's pretty much assured.
Do you drink:
Yep! Though if I don't kick this cold soon I may not get too crazy :P
Do you smoke:
Tobacco is gross.
Are you attending any panels:
Probably one or two, I used to go to a lot but they tend to repeat. I will always attend fursuit building panels if the panelists are good. Lance's panel at FC last year was awesome!
Stage or public performance:
Probably going to do the Masquerade for the first time @_@
How do I identify my self to you:
Just introduce yourself! Show your badge so I see your character. Assuming I'm not deep in conversation it's all good. I may not remember you if we are only acquainted online--heck, I may not remember you if we've met in RL. I am bad with names, please don't take it personally :) Anyhoo, I don't think anyone has ever introduced themselves to me at a con, so if you feel the urge you will probably make my day.
Rules of engagement (physical Contact out of Suit):
I'm actually fine with hugs as long as they are of the brief, platonic variety that would pass muster at a middle school function. Nothing LINGERING AND WEIRD m'kay?
What's the best way to find you:
If I'm out of suit, look for a head of hot pink hair or @ me on Twitter (I check my phone constantly at cons and get notifications, so this is a great way to contact me). I'm MissSkyote on Twitter. I will also be hoofin' it with a clan of Mixed Candy goats over the weekend, so look out for that chaos :D
Do you do trades:
Sometimes, but not at cons.
Are you nice:
I think so! But I'm biased.
If I see you, how should i get your attention:
"Skyote" or "Cassie" both work - yes, it's totally cool for you to call me by my real name. And "Skyote" is pronounced like you combined "husky" and "yote" and then skipped the beginning. I would probably answer to Evergreen or Blackberry, too, who knows.
Can I buy you breakfast, lunch, or dinner sometime:
Do people do this? I mean, that would be awesome. But in reality probably awkward. So no, unless you are a friend who owes me money.
Can I take a picture of ya:
Yay pictures! As long as you aren't talking about pictures with a telephoto from across the street.
Are you going to commission art at the con:
Probably? I haven't even had time to see who will be there.
Anything to add:
I am super duper excited for a group sushi dinner, so that better happen. Also we may be pretty free on Tuesday because we have a later flight, so will probably find something fun in SJ to do that day.
I am equally excited!