20 Things Women Over 60 Should Care LESS About

  • Опубликовано: 27 мар 2025
  • When you turn 60 things that once seemed so important begin to fade. Here are some things I think you can definitely care less about after 60. Do you agree?
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Комментарии •

  • @sharonc9235
    @sharonc9235 21 день назад +22

    Great ideas, most of which i practice now at 71, i have a favourite phrase. You do you and i'll do me!

  • @dianaw248
    @dianaw248 18 дней назад +7

    Thank you so much Margaret. I live in the US and I needed to hear this….we all need some serenity at this moment. Wishing you the very best

    • @JohnMarkson-w3d
      @JohnMarkson-w3d 17 дней назад

      Hello Diana, how are you doing? Hope you're doing great?

  • @maripazcifuentes7069
    @maripazcifuentes7069 21 день назад +10

    So right on target as always! I especially love this video and agree with you 100%. I have to say that some things are harder to care less about than others but I think the most important one is caring less about what others think about you and expect of you that really is not you. As we age we can separate what is important from what simply is not. Thank you

  • @katherinewagner9388
    @katherinewagner9388 9 дней назад +1

    I’m so appreciative of your enthusiasm and the wonderful videos that you share with us. I am one of those people who feels guilty when I am relaxing or reading a book. It helps for you to encourage us not to feel that way. I had retired as a college professor in the area of computers in my 60s but continued to teach computer classes online until I was 79 about a year ago. Finally, I have the freedom to do some things that I enjoy. Thank you for finding all the interesting articles from others and continuing to share your videos with us. You are a delightful lady and I would love to meet you in person.

  • @dianecaird1697
    @dianecaird1697 14 дней назад

    I LOVE YOU, MARGARET! My sentiments exactly!! ❤

  • @ruthoneill4221
    @ruthoneill4221 21 день назад +2

    You’re spot on, Margaret. Very freeing when we care less about the things you mentioned. Thanks for this reminder.

  • @darlenemills3942
    @darlenemills3942 21 день назад +4

    I care the most about being happy and healthy! Love your videos 💕💐

  • @gorgeous814
    @gorgeous814 21 день назад +3

    Perfectionism... Now that is spot on! I'm learning to be kind to myself. It's okay not to be okay. Self-acceptance is the greatest freedom.

  • @janetroberts7073
    @janetroberts7073 21 день назад +3

    Your calm manner and contentment is contagious and helpful. Thanks for being you

  • @marystackpole118
    @marystackpole118 22 дня назад +6

    Hi Margaret!! Thank you again for making my morning 💯 better!!! Agree completely with EVERYTHING you just mentioned!!! You are such an inspiration and friend to so many of us!!! Love and Appreciate you!!!!❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤!!!

  • @tinkershell1856
    @tinkershell1856 22 дня назад +7

    I’ve never cared about any of this. Everyone calls me a weirdo, but I couldn’t care less 😂

    • @doloresaquines1529
      @doloresaquines1529 21 день назад +2

      Tink. The weirdos are those Who call you names for being sane and normal .

    • @shallimolinda
      @shallimolinda 21 день назад +2

      Oh, do I look forward to being your kind of "weirdo" as a chisel away at this list 😂

  • @joanneberry5390
    @joanneberry5390 22 дня назад +6

    Thank you, Margaret! If we can overcome the feeling we have to hold to these 20 things, to me that is absolute freedom. Bless you for helping us all navigate this world as we age gracefully!

    • @JohnMarkson-w3d
      @JohnMarkson-w3d 17 дней назад

      Greetings Joan. I'm glad you find her knowledge interesting 😊 What are your favorite activities to stay busy these days?

  • @joyceelmer131
    @joyceelmer131 18 дней назад +2

    I love it! “No is a complete sentence. “😂 I have often tended to offer too much information. And your eyebrows are fine.

    • @JohnMarkson-w3d
      @JohnMarkson-w3d 17 дней назад

      Hi, how are you doing? Hope you're doing great?

  • @michelel3372
    @michelel3372 21 день назад +2

    Thank you for another great video. I too have found how freeing it is when we let certain things go. ❤

  • @lindakelly2895
    @lindakelly2895 6 дней назад

    Thanks Margaret - I love this! I wish we could have breakfast and lunch and just chat. You are inspiring! Such a great perspective...care less of so many things, especially the ones that bring you down. You have such joy in your soul and playfullness too. I watch this channel primarily because of you and content like this. Thank you!!! Linda Kelly

  • @rozitaharun6979
    @rozitaharun6979 21 день назад +2

    Thanks very much for sharing what you could not care less about anymore! All these 20 subjects are not worth caring so much about . Make yourself the priority self focus self care first . JOMO Joy of missing out is the new normal. Appreciating more of own life than social media. Do what makes you happy . Take it easy on yourself. I agree it is so much better not to have expectations. Obviously you are looking much better and happier than ever with all these tips. Keep well and keep going!!!

  • @candyhines7025
    @candyhines7025 22 дня назад +3

    Thank you Margaret, for the great advice

  • @margaretcowsert8300
    @margaretcowsert8300 21 день назад +3

    Loved your show today so inspirational and important ❤️

    • @JohnMarkson-w3d
      @JohnMarkson-w3d 17 дней назад

      Greetings Margaret 😊 How has your day been?

  • @dianparrotta2118
    @dianparrotta2118 22 дня назад +5

    So perfectly said Margaret. 🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉love what you do.

  • @mariatickner4421
    @mariatickner4421 21 день назад +3

    Thank you Margaret you have grounded me this world is scary we just need normal and balance xxx

  • @lindaguy1808
    @lindaguy1808 21 день назад +4

    Thank you Margaret. Its so freeing as we get older to let things and people go...especially toxic family members. Its not easy, but its always for the best. Hope youre feeling better and doing well. By the way, i just loved your video of your Mardi Gras in Switzerland! That was amazing! Love you and take care. ❤

    • @JohnMarkson-w3d
      @JohnMarkson-w3d 17 дней назад

      Hello Linda, how are you doing? Hope you're doing great?

  • @sorayablackman5808
    @sorayablackman5808 21 день назад +1

    Awesome listen. Totally agree. Good reminders.

  • @GCNCaroline
    @GCNCaroline 20 дней назад +1

    This was so lovely and calming. Ahhhh….😌 Thank you for the affirmation.

  • @hilarycooper9831
    @hilarycooper9831 21 день назад +1

    Thank you Margaret. I agree 100% with everything you said especially the “no”. Must remember that one ! ❤

  • @anastasiamacaya5126
    @anastasiamacaya5126 21 день назад +4

    Love your pearls!

  • @veralubov7405
    @veralubov7405 21 день назад +1

    I can say "AGREE" a hundred times to everything you mentioned, Margaret! Your video really made my day! When we care less about things you listed, we acquire freedom and peace, so much more needed at this stage of life than before...BTW, I also have different eyebrows, but have never thought of this as an imperfection🙂 Many thanks for being such an INSPIRATION for all of us❤ P. S. my gratitude for introducing Mel Robbins and her book; have just received it.

  • @roseyc.5846
    @roseyc.5846 22 дня назад +6

    Hi Margaret: I WISH I could stop caring about my menopausal weight gain, but, I do. My aging self, my white hair roots coming out every two weeks (if not sooner), worrying about my little grandson who lost his mother in November...so many things. Although I realize I have no control over some things, I'm the worrying type. I should let more things go, but, it's not easy. Thank you for a great subject. Hugs. Rosemarie 🩷

    • @debrapahl7573
      @debrapahl7573 22 дня назад +6

      So sorry about your grandson ❤🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉

    • @marystackpole118
      @marystackpole118 22 дня назад +5

      So very, very Sorry for the way your feeling, especially for you and your little grandson!! So heartbreaking!!! Pls. know someone cares!!!! ❤❤❤!!!!

    • @lindaguy1808
      @lindaguy1808 21 день назад +4


    • @roseyc.5846
      @roseyc.5846 21 день назад

      ​@@marystackpole118Thank you so much..I appreciate it.

  • @debrapahl7573
    @debrapahl7573 22 дня назад +3

    Thank you so much....I needed this information today !❤🎉❤

  • @carolannecole3252
    @carolannecole3252 16 дней назад

    Dear Margaret, now that you have said to care less about things, I feel like I really need to know what makeup you are wearing. The colors are so lovely, and you look so lovely! I would just love to know. I do like the things you were saying though, it is soothing somehow to hear those things. I needed to hear them.

  • @gailflora1835
    @gailflora1835 21 день назад +1

    I am 69, and I care about being as healthy as I can.

  • @dawnlabre6057
    @dawnlabre6057 20 дней назад

    Always sound advise. Love your channel

  • @AyaSmith-rb2hp
    @AyaSmith-rb2hp 21 день назад

    Great video!!! So agree❤

  • @paulawarwick1854
    @paulawarwick1854 21 день назад

    Spot on .Margaret thankyou❤

  • @janetroberts7073
    @janetroberts7073 21 день назад +2

    Always reaching out to friends who never call back or initiate meeting up.its dra😅ining.

  • @healthyseniorlife70
    @healthyseniorlife70 21 день назад +3

    The idea of caring less about things that don’t truly matter is incredibly freeing.
    ✔ Superficial friendships? Not worth the stress.
    ✔ People-pleasing? Nope, time to put yourself first.
    ✔ Body image? Just be healthy and happy-perfection is overrated!
    ✔ Saying ‘yes’ to everything? Learning to say ‘no’ is a superpower.

  • @eithnecourtney4854
    @eithnecourtney4854 20 дней назад

    Wonderful video. I agree with everything ❤

  • @rosemaryochoa8548
    @rosemaryochoa8548 19 дней назад

    This is the best video in this channel. Thanks.😊

    • @JohnMarkson-w3d
      @JohnMarkson-w3d 17 дней назад

      Hello beautiful 😊 How are you doing today? Hope you're doing great?

  • @teresaf221
    @teresaf221 21 день назад +1

    Love it all of the let go! Hurray

  • @janedelaney4327
    @janedelaney4327 21 день назад

    I like the goal. “Let them”. Whatever anyone does.. okay. Whatever…. Don’t need to keep up with anyone. I’m content. Very content.

  • @LisaMcGill-n1k
    @LisaMcGill-n1k 21 день назад +1

    Good advice

  • @janesmith5871
    @janesmith5871 21 день назад

    Well, that was refreshing! Over the last couple decades, I've come to realize all of these are true. However, I would STILL like to not crave sugar. :)

  • @doloresaquines1529
    @doloresaquines1529 21 день назад +1

    I think what Margaret suggests applies to any age, not just to older people. People pleasing is a pathology (the Disease to Please) . It can be difficult to address as the roots are deep in childbood.
    Mature minded people, with a good notion of self-worth dont care about the Joneses, or social media nonsense, or designer labels or any of that stuff.
    I never had a designer label in my life, such as Armani, Boss, Dior etc.
    Are there shallow people out there? Sure there are. But they are unimportant.

  • @alomaalber6514
    @alomaalber6514 21 день назад +1

    Good outfit choice for the event and very nice necklace the way it is strung, large and smaller. If you want to attend-- go, otherwise-- no.

  • @Kremppie2008
    @Kremppie2008 20 дней назад

    Yay! Perks of getting older❤

  • @Oceangirl-67
    @Oceangirl-67 21 день назад

    Hey, everyone. Do any of you know the origin of “keeping up with the Joneses?” I have heard the phrase frequently, but having grown up as a Jones, I’m clueless as to how the Joneses came to be referred to as a family that others strive to keep up with. Our family…parents and we children…worked hard in order to have basics. Funny, looking back, I had no idea how poor we really were. Anyway, does anyone know where the phrase originated, and why?

    • @sixtyandme
      @sixtyandme  21 день назад

      I did some research and it turns out he expression “keeping up with the Joneses” originated from a comic strip of the same name created by Arthur R. “Pop” Momand in 1913. The strip ran in newspapers for over 25 years and satirized the social pressures of conformity

    • @Oceangirl-67
      @Oceangirl-67 21 день назад

      Thanks, Margaret. Good to know after all these years!

  • @mariatickner4421
    @mariatickner4421 21 день назад +1

    No Sorry I have to add No is healthy for us xxx

  • @pamelasault9483
    @pamelasault9483 6 дней назад


  • @equallove0
    @equallove0 22 дня назад +2


  • @houndmother740
    @houndmother740 21 день назад +1


  • @mariettaralls7266
    @mariettaralls7266 21 день назад +1

    Margaret speak for yourself , some people still care, this is in your opinion not mine.

    • @florabamabelle6413
      @florabamabelle6413 21 день назад +7

      Calm down she’s not telling you have to do these things.

    • @shallimolinda
      @shallimolinda 21 день назад +5

      These are helpful hints and suggestions that are helping many of us grow. Not demands. So sad that you had to lash out in negativity 😢

    • @Angela-zc9xv
      @Angela-zc9xv 21 день назад

      Keep up with your standards l do ,it's a way of life and good to have self belief and control ,makes me happy xx

    • @doloresaquines1529
      @doloresaquines1529 21 день назад +4

      Marietta. I think Margaret is not saying one should céase caring, but rather that we get rid of toxic emotions. For example, people pleasing is a pathology at Any age (the Disease to Please). And desperate efforts to keep Up with the Joneses, at Any age. Good advice at Any age IMO.

    • @doloresaquines1529
      @doloresaquines1529 21 день назад

      ​@@shallimolindaEasy on! I think the poster could have misinterpreted. It happens. Perhaps she is not in a good place right now.

  • @kimhenry1069
    @kimhenry1069 22 дня назад +4

    I needed to hear this, thank you

    • @kimhenry1069
      @kimhenry1069 21 день назад +1

      And the Clutter, That's me, and I really needed to hear that❤️