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Strapon lift and carry fuck

6/10/24 3:00 PM2 min338 MBmp44k
Price28.49 EUR
CategoryLift & Carry
Related CategoriesFemale Domination


This video is exciting and hot at the same time.


John's girlfriend Kelly. She was always humiliated by him. Since he always teased her saying that he was the strongest and muscular and that she was small and weak without muscles.

Until one day she went to the gym and started working out and gaining a lot of muscle mass until she was bigger and stronger than her boyfriend. One day she surprised him after a long time without seeing him.

She grabbed him by the neck and started to fuck him with strapon non-stop causing him a lot of pain and at no time without shuffling him demonstrating her strength and dominance over him. Until she finally lifted him by the neck in the air where he started to cum non-stop.

This video has several camera angles and I'm sure you will cum fast watching it. For all the fans of lift and carry sex.

Real voices, dialogues and sounds


Lift and carry anal and Fuck

Throatlift and cum.




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