This just makes me miss Vine even more. TikTok was never a replacement to Vine, because it could never live up to Vine. Hearing people in some of these say "miss me with that" or mention Ebola spreading, like damn that was over a decade ago now.
Years ago when my english wasn't as good i used to watch these compilations. Now it's so fulfilling to watch them again and understand better what they say.
But, how do you know you and I didn’t press like milliseconds apart with me being first. Do you have proof or are you just assuming. You know what they say you are when you assume...a cheese less taco on the dollar menu with no chance of becoming a McDonald’s Big Mac with bbq sauce
@@NandoDisco playing "Lotería". Think Bingo, but with objects. The girl recording then gets excited she has "Escalera" (stairs) in her sheet. It can get this intense some times 😝.
Lipstick ma kind of has a nice rack
What the fuck why tho
Bea Loons nothing wrong with liking older women.
This comment is the only good thing about this video
Man you ain't lying
Ichabod Flaggstaff you ain’t lying
feel like vine was like where millennials and gen z met for a brief moment in time to make something amazing together.
That one meme.
Wow, yes
This is exactly right
absolutely dude
Pencil Pastel Dash
Pencil Pastel Dash finally someone else appreciates that vine
The Marilyn monroe picture is at my school. It's more terrifying in person
Warhol is terrifying???
Finally, a vine compilation that doesn't just turn in to a tik tok compilation halfway through
…that’s a thing?
Only new videos are like that, sneaking in one or two tiktok edits in the comp. If the video is 7 years or older, then it's clean.
Forever grateful that country boy was limited to 6 seconds.
Did you make the cone you look a lot like her (sorry if this sounds rude I swear I’m just curious ^^’
@@alphysundyne9031 I didn't make it. I didn't know about vine really until it had already been shut down. :)
I think the one that followed it was worse
@@odin9628The barf, or, "You spilt lipstick in my kwackqakkwaqaqkqwcaa Valentino white bag??"?
One of my favourite clips tho ❤
Comedy police! The joke was too funny!
*_im not going baCK TO JAIL_*
Magslikescats5 a
nice pic :D
Magslikescats5 love you pic
Wha? Why? Wha? Whay? WHAY?!
Awkward Emo Rainbow thanks
Charlotte ChallengeTV *WoaoaOawowoaoawo*
Charlotte ChallengeTV that’s not even funny
Lissette Cortez well then you have a really bad taste in things that are funny
Hey guys we just released a brand new video, that we think is pretty good, but we need some second opinions about it
Baby bunny Tsuki XD😂😂😂😂😂😂😂🤭😂😂😂😂😂😂😂🤭🤭🤭🤭🤭🤭🤭😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂🤭🤭😎😄😛😄😁😜😆🤪😁😅😞😍😞😍😲😲🙄🤬🤯😐😯😳😴😱🤤😵🤐🤐😐🤐🙀😸👉😿👉😹👌😹✊😹😸✊👊👍🏻😺👌🎃🖐🏽👏🖐🏽👏👇🤝👋🤙🏻🖕🤜🏿🖕👥👤🗣👩🏻🌾👩🏻🌾👦🏽👮🏼♂️👧🏿👶🏿👰🏿💁♂️💁♂️💁♂️💁♂️💁♂️💁♂️💁♂️💁♂️☘️🍀🎍🎍🎋🌖🍄🌕🌹🌚🌹🌒🌷🌍🍂🌒🌒🌘🎍🎍🌾🍄🌜🥀🌙🥀🍂🌔🍃🌎🍃🌍🌍🌍🌩🍇🍎🌩🌫🌩🌨🌫🌨🌫🌫🌫🌫🌫🌫🌫🌫🌫🌫🌫🌫🌫🌫🌫🌫🌫🌫🌫🌫🌫🌫🌫🌫🌫🌫🌫🌫🌫🌫🌫🌫 Kill me
The “this is why mom doesn’t fucking love you” gets me every time
I miss the concept of vines. People just having an excuse to be as weird as they want.
You only had 6 seconds to be as funny as possible. People would get creative
They never needed an excuse
Do I LoOk LIke yO dAd
ItzBreezy *do i look like a dad
My family banned me from saying the road work ahead vine in the car
Same here!
I genuinely keep saying it its scary (NOBODY EVEN UNDERSTANDS IT EITHER)
Cruel and inhumane punishment
But why?
same my family yells at me for saying it lol
THis Is Why MOm DoESnT FuCkInG LoVE yoU
🎶"I'm an adult virgin"🎶
I laughed so hard 😂😂
Kelly Stivers an
Kelly Stivers same
🎼"Dan NANANA"🎼
Ok I get it! It's an.....we aren't all perfect like you. Just chill
"Vines I reference daily"
4:25- A guy breathing
@@Sophhiiaa_ yeah ig 😂
Daughter: I spilled lipstick in your Valentino bag
Mom: *Turns into Packman for a good 2 seconds*
I literally laughed so hard at that cause I heard it in my mind lol
Ye same lol.
I laughed while writing it🤣
@@scarlettTG2704 Thanks
Omfg but he actually looks like chicken little
Hobii no chicken little is dumb and a coward he is not a coward
What does omfg mean
Christian Smith it means "oh my fucking god"
Hobii that’s what I thought..................
I died laughing
I listened to this with headphones and it was the first time I realized that the road work ahead vine has music and I’m dead
Wait... What
Polly IKR! Just listen really carefully...
love how i check the comments and they say "6 days ago" "4 days ago" like yassss everyones here for this monument
Here now & yours says “1 day ago” lol
I have an almost Pavlovian response to that Kermit vine.
I start laughing the moment he pops into frame, every single time.
i sing along
*Daddy no Daddy yes*
this is it. this is the best vine compilation ever
holyhotpockets R.I.P. vine
i miss vine every day.
it was the perfect distillation of humanity.
"Back at it again at Krispy Kreme" is just a standard conversation opener with my siblings LOL
every time i pass a krispy kreme i quote it
I've always thought he said 'Back at it again at Donut krispy kreme' I was wrong for almost ten years?!
-extra virgin- oil
Roll Safe -how did you do th- nevermind 😂
How you all do that
You put dashs- like that but on both sides
-,like this,-
*i hate my body*
*i HaTe My BoDy*
I'm calling the weed! *420 whatcha smokin?*
4:25 I cant
I think of the Gamzee version of this( if you don't understand the you need to read the webcomic Homestuck)
I want Vine back.
We are all still mourning. :(
Angel Hermosillo Vine 2 is coming. You know that right?
Angel Hermosillo vine two is coming you know
Forget vine I can't get over Alan Rickman
I was depressed when there wasn’t a raucous cheer for The Last Jedi like in ‘turn the flash off, you fucKING MORoN’
My Chestnut Life me too bro
The people in that theatre had been marathoning the entire series before that, so they were pretty hype when force awakens finally came on lmao
*as we zoom in on a lovely Chili's like we're about to watch a Friends episode, we find a wild Adam*
*hI, wElCoMe To ChIlI's*
Hi, welcome to Chili's did you make your account just for this?
It's not Adam it's his twin
"and i brought you myrrh... murDER!"
"judas! nooooo"
is that a police im calling the weed
boi wit big lips 420 whatcha SMOKIN
I love how chicken little is the most reoccurring person in this complilation
he's dead
I got an
Man I'd totally forgotten about "THIS IS WHY MOM DOESNT FUCKING LOVE YOU" I used to quote that all the time
WhaT THe FuCk RiChArD
*H E L P T H E B E A R*
There was so much damn creativity on Vine. Definitely something i didnt appreciate enough when it was around.
0:57 “420 Whatcha smokin?” With the X-files music lives in my head rent free
Okay but that scene at 4:20 is great so I thank you
@@katieravonn5846 I mean 0:57 not 4:20 lol
Daddy no DADDY YES
I got an
Madison C. Nice...
As a trans Muslim I don’t think i should pay
i was looking 4 this comment ily
i didn’t get the vine, can someone explain?
@@ninisloveletter2578 It's supposed to be (making fun of) a Buzzfeed video
@3рекскролик alr what do I do now then.
This just makes me miss Vine even more. TikTok was never a replacement to Vine, because it could never live up to Vine. Hearing people in some of these say "miss me with that" or mention Ebola spreading, like damn that was over a decade ago now.
*t r a n s g e n d e r m u s l i m*
Marissa Jeanne who is the girl in that one?
Evan Sellers cloe lmao
*c o n f i r m e d*
it took me 7 years to realize the virgin oil vine 💀
This is the first time I’ve seen a compilation with ones I haven’t seen before
POV: It’s 2018 and you’re watching these vines compilation videos at 4AM on a school night.
"I hate my body" is an underappreciated gem
I could be on my death bed 60 years from now and still remember all of these word for word
I definitely feel the angst of not knowing where that Quiznos is.
“420, what you Smoken”
R.I.P Adam Perkins, a funny man he was, may he rest easy 🙏
i miss these days. one day they will become ancient history.
This is why mom doesn't fucking love you! Best vine of all time.
I can’t believe that speech had the phrase “they are crucified to their circumstances” and all we recognize is HEH HU HU HA HE HE HE HA HUH HE
Who here lip synced to all of the vines? 😂
Lydia Orme sad
Really sad
Lydia Orme omg meeee
Me lol
That thumbnail is more relevant than it should be
Democrats will claim he is a "N@zi", with zero evidence. Like every hoax they created.
Everyone needs to accept BTR back into their lives
Who said they ever left
How to find a BTR fan? Look for an anime profile picture...
"What the fuck Richard!" Will never not leave me gasping lmao
That’s actually my fav vine it kills me every time 😭😭
@gumballgun it's the way he pronounces Richard. Like my boy needed to ENUNCIATE
@@caliggyjack7480 🤣
Years ago when my english wasn't as good i used to watch these compilations. Now it's so fulfilling to watch them again and understand better what they say.
i clicked the like button and it turned to 34k. im big hyped
lol ur big mad is what you are
- SoRRy - o
- SoRRy - I made it 51k join the squad
Tom Smith you're the chosen one
But, how do you know you and I didn’t press like milliseconds apart with me being first. Do you have proof or are you just assuming. You know what they say you are when you assume...a cheese less taco on the dollar menu with no chance of becoming a McDonald’s Big Mac with bbq sauce
0:11 Jared predicted gen alpha
"Hey Lucy, what do you wanna be when you grow up?"
"I wanna be president."
"So I can make slavery legal again."
The abortion one at the beginning is the fucking reason I do the robot dance when I’m saying some dumb shit omfg I finally figured this out
Anyone else miss the “hi welcome to chilis” era?
Like I knew it was coming but I still laughed
The it's a fucking bear is my favorite
He sadly passed away
I didn’t know the dude but we lived in the town
marky mark Wait the bear or the guy?
Tr4kn0 Th3 Fr34k if it's the 2nd one I don't gave a fuck
Tr4kn0 Th3 Fr34k the guy
Tr4kn0 Th3 Fr34k did you really think i commented about living in the same town as a bear
Vines been gone for years and there's STILL vines im seeing for the first time haha
what the fuck RICHARD
The fact, RIP vine was posted 6 years ago is soul crushing
Rip vine, you will forever be in our hearts
Hayden Roth you warned me but it was still unexpected.
J. Elizabeth haha I know, it was super fast 😂
Hayden Roth I've seen it so many times that it's okay with me.
too late😂🤷🏼♀️
Morgan Mousel same.
2:50 I love the hype he pits into saying "ESCALERA!!"
What were they doing? He’s so intense about it haha.
@@NandoDisco playing "Lotería". Think Bingo, but with objects. The girl recording then gets excited she has "Escalera" (stairs) in her sheet. It can get this intense some times 😝.
"I've brought you frankincense."
"Thank you"
"And I've brought you myrrh-"
" *gasp* Judas..NOo"
10:45 translation for this: "My fellow Americans. There is E-bola in America, which means, WE ARE SCREWED."
He got ebola la la la la la
segou dollars danananananana
4:08 rest in peace chills’s guy
*im sorry fucking WHAT-*
Overdose done the job dude @@nog0dsnomasters
I hope heaven has the triple dippers
Wait what happened?
“Daddy noo”
“DaDdY YeSSs”
It’s been 6 years since this was uploaded wow his fast time goes 🤯
The pranks weren’t staged. The accidents were accidental. No one was sponsored. No one was trying to become famous.
yup montization ruined the internet.
yep good times
@@stoves5877it's not that "monitization" ruined the Internet. It's that companies ruined the Internet.
why are we all here at the same time LMFAO
Guys we're old now
Travis Stewart the best one
Travis Stewart why is that funny
The fact that Cody is a legit jumpscare now 😢
Vine humour is unique and TikTok humour is close but not quite there
RUclips shorts has it down for the most part. Guys like al jokes.
@@CarriblaAl jokes is great, Tony is pretty good too
@@bigbird4481 Tony was the other one I couldn't think of, but yeah.
This made my day.
Lava Bass Official 鐚 420 likes ayEEE
Lava Bass Official 鐚 I would like but you have 420 likes
Whoa this actually has a lot of vines I've never seen before. Nice
I had forgotten some of these gems
tiktok has nothing on what vine was
The vocal stim compilation before the vocal stim compilation.
*girl* Daddy no!
*plankton* DAdDy YEs!
Being Amina can we be friends
Wow you can hear???
Some of these I hadn't seen before and some were some I hadn't seen in a while. Good compilation.
The fact that all these comments are so recent gives me hope
(Its false hope)
well duh bc its sorted by newest
@@JayAyVeeMusic well I did say it was false hope 🤷♀️
Once Vine got taken down, that’s when shit started going down hill 😂
Greatest era in the internet's short history 🥲