King's Game
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Dec 21, 2017 11:19 AM
AsT5 said: Ventus_S said: AsT5 said: MyKamiList said: So the survivor of each game will be the carrier of the virus. We know that each game only has 1 survivor, and the game involves like 30 people. Assuming each game takes 5 days to finish, and it kills about 30 people, how many millenniums would it takes to wipe the entire human race? The earth itself has a higher chance to be destroyed before the humanity went extinct from this game. that's half the info according to the current manga all the Japanese and taiwanese school students will be killed then the virus will go on towards the working adults thanks to internet so humanity might end up soon The point is wouldn't it more effective to just let all 30 of them alive to spread to like 1000 more people, and then let those 1000 spread even further, instead of playing this retarded game with only 30 participants every time? Heck, Kill La Kill has a crazy villain who uses a much smarter ways to dominate the world. doesn't matter if you kill the 30 the virus will still work and this was the last time for 30 participants according to the manga after this incident all the high schools from Japan and Taiwan participated and I don't know how many survived beca1 the manga is still ongoing Lol, so it's like Resident Evil the hollywood movie all over again lolz.. Gotta spread this shit to the whole world, the more the merrier lolz.. I find it offended the author even bring this garbage to Taiwan. |
Dec 21, 2017 11:20 AM
LOL the deaths. Everybody dies in the end. I will miss the anime so much. It's so bad that is funny. Such a waste of opening. 1/5 for the episode. 0/10 for the anime. |
NurguburuDec 21, 2017 11:33 AM
BANZAI NIPPON. Nippon is the Land of freedom. Nippon is the Land of Peace. Nippon is the Land of Justice and Prosperity. In Nippon, we trust. We love Nippon, we love Anime. Anime love us, Nippon love us. 日本 |
Dec 21, 2017 11:21 AM
Ventus_S said: AsT5 said: Ventus_S said: AsT5 said: MyKamiList said: So the survivor of each game will be the carrier of the virus. We know that each game only has 1 survivor, and the game involves like 30 people. Assuming each game takes 5 days to finish, and it kills about 30 people, how many millenniums would it takes to wipe the entire human race? The earth itself has a higher chance to be destroyed before the humanity went extinct from this game. that's half the info according to the current manga all the Japanese and taiwanese school students will be killed then the virus will go on towards the working adults thanks to internet so humanity might end up soon The point is wouldn't it more effective to just let all 30 of them alive to spread to like 1000 more people, and then let those 1000 spread even further, instead of playing this retarded game with only 30 participants every time? Heck, Kill La Kill has a crazy villain who uses a much smarter ways to dominate the world. doesn't matter if you kill the 30 the virus will still work and this was the last time for 30 participants according to the manga after this incident all the high schools from Japan and Taiwan participated and I don't know how many survived beca1 the manga is still ongoing Lol, so it's like Resident Evil the hollywood movie all over again lolz.. Gotta spread this shit to the whole world, the more the merrier lolz.. I find it offended the author even bring this garbage to Taiwan. yeah the manga sales were high there too |
Dec 21, 2017 11:25 AM
I don't like to shoot out these words too much, but pretentious and cringe-worthy really applied to both this series and Evil or Live. The most fun I got out of this series was making fun of it and discussing its stupidity with friends. I'm glad my friends didn't drop this series, or else this would've been one hard anime to tolerate. 2/10, only because 1/10 ratings should be reserved for stuff like Mars of Destruction. |
Dec 21, 2017 11:27 AM
thepath said: I did not watch last episode yet but I want to drop my review here because I'm sick of haters everywhere. This also 1st time I write review for anime. My review: "I personally found this anime very enjoyable. If you enjoy watching people brutally killed, suffer, break their fingers, forced to have sex, extreme drama and female character with evil/sadistic personality, then this is the right anime for you. For me this anime proves that you don't always need those "well written anime" to enjoy it. A lot of haters here are just judging anime based how well written the story and how much plot holes or because some character act stupidly in some situation. Those haters start analyzing the this anime as if it is Shakespeare story book or some kind of scientific journal. I don't take anime too seriously. Character in anime does not always have to act the same way that people expect in real life For me this show is just a pure enjoyment. It entertaining (for me) to watch fictional people suffer and try hard to survive. It does not matter if the story is weak and poorly written when I'm enjoying it. I'm on episode 11 when I wrote this review, and last few episodes were the best in my opinion so far Many of those who gave it 1/10 or 2/10 watched it until the last episode which makes me suspect that many of these haters don't genuinely believe that anime deserve such a low score. I mean why watch something that you think deserve such low score until the end ?! If I rate something 1/10 then that thing has to be so boring that I could not watch it at all It is also worth to mention that this show is noting like Mayoiga. Mayoiga is children version of Ousama Game. If you found Mayoiga boring like me then does not mean Ousama Game is same. Ousama game is real dark/horror show with people slaughtered in every place unlike Mayoiga " Thats good news. Hoping for new season. Unfortunately, Natsuko is not alive because she is by far my favorite character. I enjoy how bad this anime was but the score is the score. If everything is nonsense, don't expect of me a 8/10 or much higher. Your post is a rant, be careful. |
NurguburuDec 21, 2017 11:49 AM
BANZAI NIPPON. Nippon is the Land of freedom. Nippon is the Land of Peace. Nippon is the Land of Justice and Prosperity. In Nippon, we trust. We love Nippon, we love Anime. Anime love us, Nippon love us. 日本 |
Dec 21, 2017 11:47 AM
BlazeSoulReaperX said: MistLiigh said: I was really hoping we could at least end the show on another comedic high note like Ria's complete apathy to being literally on fire in episode 6, but nope... Just another terrible episode. At least Natsuko is dead, I HATE that they tried (really, REALLY poorly I might add) to redeem her at the end with the whole tragic love BS (which as with literally everything about this show, was executed terribly). No, that is not okay, she's still an awful person, maybe she wasn't always, but she is now and you can't change that so easily as she's dying and very intentionally taking someone else with her. Also, I know I shouldn't be questioning the dumb non-logic of this show at this point, but I just have to get it off my chest: WHERE THE HELL DID THE CHAINSAW COME FROM AND WHY WAS IT THE WEAKEST CHAINSAW IN HISTORY?! probably found it in whatever building was there at the end im only question how natsuko didnt die right away from that blood lost and how the hell she even had the strength to pick up the saw after that It was really a rhetorical question. I can put that together myself, but it doesn't actually matter where it came from, what matters is that they made absolutely no effort to justify its existence in a place where you would never expect it to exist. It just ends up being a Deus Ex Machina to facilitate the plot, regardless of whether it makes sense or not. KaijuOrchestra said: 2/10, just marginally better than being murdered with a chainsaw. Thank you so much for the good laugh. I just want you to know that someone appreciated your joke. Kenny_Stryker said: And, now it comes down to King's Game vs School Days. Apples and oranges my friend. King's Game has some legitimately interesting ideas, but manages to horribly botch the execution of every single one of them while mixing in some bad ideas just to sour your palate; School Days on the other hand is just a bad idea executed reasonably well. Now hold on, I can already hear people yelling at me that School Days wasn't well executed, just let me finish. First, I said reasonably well, by which I mean that they did the best you really could have hoped for with the idea they were given. And as far as I can tell, that idea seems to have been "completely undermine the typical drama/romance story and make the audience feel anger and disgust," and it definitely achieved that goal. The problem is just that the goal was one that would make people hate the show... King's Game is just the opposite: it had a good idea, but failed spectacularly to come anywhere close to achieving it. Long story short, they're both bad shows for completely opposite reasons. |
Dec 21, 2017 12:05 PM
Who actually bought this to the point where the creators thought it'd be profitable to make a new season lmfao |
Dec 21, 2017 12:10 PM
MistLiigh said: BlazeSoulReaperX said: MistLiigh said: I was really hoping we could at least end the show on another comedic high note like Ria's complete apathy to being literally on fire in episode 6, but nope... Just another terrible episode. At least Natsuko is dead, I HATE that they tried (really, REALLY poorly I might add) to redeem her at the end with the whole tragic love BS (which as with literally everything about this show, was executed terribly). No, that is not okay, she's still an awful person, maybe she wasn't always, but she is now and you can't change that so easily as she's dying and very intentionally taking someone else with her. Also, I know I shouldn't be questioning the dumb non-logic of this show at this point, but I just have to get it off my chest: WHERE THE HELL DID THE CHAINSAW COME FROM AND WHY WAS IT THE WEAKEST CHAINSAW IN HISTORY?! probably found it in whatever building was there at the end im only question how natsuko didnt die right away from that blood lost and how the hell she even had the strength to pick up the saw after that It was really a rhetorical question. I can put that together myself, but it doesn't actually matter where it came from, what matters is that they made absolutely no effort to justify its existence in a place where you would never expect it to exist. It just ends up being a Deus Ex Machina to facilitate the plot, regardless of whether it makes sense or not. KaijuOrchestra said: 2/10, just marginally better than being murdered with a chainsaw. Thank you so much for the good laugh. I just want you to know that someone appreciated your joke. Kenny_Stryker said: And, now it comes down to King's Game vs School Days. Apples and oranges my friend. King's Game has some legitimately interesting ideas, but manages to horribly botch the execution of every single one of them while mixing in some bad ideas just to sour your palate; School Days on the other hand is just a bad idea executed reasonably well. Now hold on, I can already hear people yelling at me that School Days wasn't well executed, just let me finish. First, I said reasonably well, by which I mean that they did the best you really could have hoped for with the idea they were given. And as far as I can tell, that idea seems to have been "completely undermine the typical drama/romance story and make the audience feel anger and disgust," and it definitely achieved that goal. The problem is just that the goal was one that would make people hate the show... King's Game is just the opposite: it had a good idea, but failed spectacularly to come anywhere close to achieving it. Long story short, they're both bad shows for completely opposite reasons. At least School Days have believable characters. People like Sekai and Makoto really exist in real life, and there're quite a few of them mind you. Makoto actually has very realistic characteristic traits (irresponsible, indecisive, drawn in lust, doesn't care about his love interest's well-being, etc) of our real world, this is why we dislike him so much. It is his harem that doesn't has realistic character traits to fall in love with human trash like Makoto. Kotonoha being the biggest offender, along with all his other harems. |
Ventus_SDec 21, 2017 12:15 PM
Dec 21, 2017 12:15 PM
And so Ousama Game comes to an end and the finale perfectly encapsulates how bad this show least I got some laughs here and there. 2/10 never watching again. |
Dec 21, 2017 12:27 PM
Holy shit I didn't expect this ending, I actually liked that the main character didn't survive, that's something unusual and good in my opinion. I hope it gets a new season lmao. I legit liked this Anime, along with Mayoiga and Big Order, my tastes are shit? Probably, Am I stupid? Perhaps, Hotel? Trivago. But seriously, I want to know who is actually behind the game and how it works because a virus in the body connected to the internet that makes your twist and stuff makes little sense. Now to search for the manga. |
Dec 21, 2017 12:33 PM
AsT5 said: Itachi_0893 said: thepath said: I did not watch last episode yet but I want to drop my review here because I'm sick of haters everywhere. This also 1st time I write review for anime. My review: "I personally found this anime very enjoyable. If you enjoy watching people brutally killed, suffer, break their fingers, forced to have sex, extreme drama and female character with evil/sadistic personality, then this is the right anime for you. For me this anime proves that you don't always need those "well written anime" to enjoy it. A lot of haters here are just judging anime based how well written the story and how much plot holes or because some character act stupidly in some situation. Those haters start analyzing the this anime as if it is Shakespeare story book or some kind of scientific journal. I don't take anime too seriously. Character in anime does not always have to act the same way that people expect in real life For me this show is just a pure enjoyment. It entertaining (for me) to watch fictional people suffer and try hard to survive. It does not matter if the story is weak and poorly written when I'm enjoying it. I'm on episode 11 when I wrote this review, and last few episodes were the best in my opinion so far Many of those who gave it 1/10 or 2/10 watched it until the last episode which makes me suspect that many of these haters don't genuinely believe that anime deserve such a low score. I mean why watch something that you think deserve such low score until the end ?! If I rate something 1/10 then that thing has to be so boring that I could not watch it at all It is also worth to mention that this show is noting like Mayoiga. Mayoiga is children version of Ousama Game. If you found Mayoiga boring like me then does not mean Ousama Game is same. Ousama game is real dark/horror show with people slaughtered in every place unlike Mayoiga " Thats good news. Hoping for new season. Unfortunately, Natsuko is not alive because she is by far my favorite character. I respect your opinion and you should post it in the review section, that way people can read some positive review about this. It's true that a series doesn't have to be "well written" to be enjoyable, and there is nothing wrong with liking characters being massacred like it was done in the series, in my opinion, the real problem with this series is that if you want to make a good series about characters being killed, you have to make the viewer care about those characters and don't laugh everytime they are killed in such ridiculous ways. If the characters are not good, then at least make the story interesting or at least coherent, but here we have a "game" that has happened who knows how many times and the impresion I get is that society doesn't know/care about what is happening, If a lot of underage people end up dead and only one survives then he either is a criminal or there is something going on and the authorities would have to be vigilant about the start of additional games. Second, the explanation about the virus is retarded, how in the world can a biological virus turn into a computer virus, the author could have just made some magical/paranormal explanation about it, not that retarded "explanation". And finally, at the end they discover that they have to kill themselves to end the game, otherwise humanity will be erradicated while playing constantly that game, even ignoring the last part, we can infer that if they die it wouldn't matter as there are more than one game being played (Natsuko and the MC survived different games) so there are probably more survivors that would have to continue playing, thus eliminating the human race at some point regardless of their choice at that point of time, but to make things worse for the story telling, they go and start a new game with a random character, disregarding their "big revelation". natsuko dad first played the game and he survived thanks the natsuko(not his daughter,but his lover) natsuko's dad married a scientist she gave birth twins he named them natsuko and chiemi honda when they were born the virus got transferred to both of them that triggered two different games the virus later got transferred to natsuko and chiemi's mobile and it spread itself on the internet it will eradicate the humanity Ok that solves one of the problems I said, but there are more problems with the story. |
Dec 21, 2017 12:36 PM
Itachi_0893 said: AsT5 said: Itachi_0893 said: thepath said: I did not watch last episode yet but I want to drop my review here because I'm sick of haters everywhere. This also 1st time I write review for anime. My review: "I personally found this anime very enjoyable. If you enjoy watching people brutally killed, suffer, break their fingers, forced to have sex, extreme drama and female character with evil/sadistic personality, then this is the right anime for you. For me this anime proves that you don't always need those "well written anime" to enjoy it. A lot of haters here are just judging anime based how well written the story and how much plot holes or because some character act stupidly in some situation. Those haters start analyzing the this anime as if it is Shakespeare story book or some kind of scientific journal. I don't take anime too seriously. Character in anime does not always have to act the same way that people expect in real life For me this show is just a pure enjoyment. It entertaining (for me) to watch fictional people suffer and try hard to survive. It does not matter if the story is weak and poorly written when I'm enjoying it. I'm on episode 11 when I wrote this review, and last few episodes were the best in my opinion so far Many of those who gave it 1/10 or 2/10 watched it until the last episode which makes me suspect that many of these haters don't genuinely believe that anime deserve such a low score. I mean why watch something that you think deserve such low score until the end ?! If I rate something 1/10 then that thing has to be so boring that I could not watch it at all It is also worth to mention that this show is noting like Mayoiga. Mayoiga is children version of Ousama Game. If you found Mayoiga boring like me then does not mean Ousama Game is same. Ousama game is real dark/horror show with people slaughtered in every place unlike Mayoiga " Thats good news. Hoping for new season. Unfortunately, Natsuko is not alive because she is by far my favorite character. I respect your opinion and you should post it in the review section, that way people can read some positive review about this. It's true that a series doesn't have to be "well written" to be enjoyable, and there is nothing wrong with liking characters being massacred like it was done in the series, in my opinion, the real problem with this series is that if you want to make a good series about characters being killed, you have to make the viewer care about those characters and don't laugh everytime they are killed in such ridiculous ways. If the characters are not good, then at least make the story interesting or at least coherent, but here we have a "game" that has happened who knows how many times and the impresion I get is that society doesn't know/care about what is happening, If a lot of underage people end up dead and only one survives then he either is a criminal or there is something going on and the authorities would have to be vigilant about the start of additional games. Second, the explanation about the virus is retarded, how in the world can a biological virus turn into a computer virus, the author could have just made some magical/paranormal explanation about it, not that retarded "explanation". And finally, at the end they discover that they have to kill themselves to end the game, otherwise humanity will be erradicated while playing constantly that game, even ignoring the last part, we can infer that if they die it wouldn't matter as there are more than one game being played (Natsuko and the MC survived different games) so there are probably more survivors that would have to continue playing, thus eliminating the human race at some point regardless of their choice at that point of time, but to make things worse for the story telling, they go and start a new game with a random character, disregarding their "big revelation". natsuko dad first played the game and he survived thanks the natsuko(not his daughter,but his lover) natsuko's dad married a scientist she gave birth twins he named them natsuko and chiemi honda when they were born the virus got transferred to both of them that triggered two different games the virus later got transferred to natsuko and chiemi's mobile and it spread itself on the internet it will eradicate the humanity Ok that solves one of the problems I said, but there are more problems with the story. oh story I can't describe it dude its so bad that I'll watch some anime like cross ange or corpse party instead of watching this shit |
Dec 21, 2017 12:38 PM
daze8 said: So none of them survived according to the anime as the virus runs in the survivors bodies, but the game still continues with no survivors with "to be cont." what the heck? the virus is on the internet and will do mass killings this time RIP high schoolers(Taiwan and japan) |
Dec 21, 2017 12:41 PM
ReguIus said: dude it doesn't matter to them they got good sales regarding manga Who actually bought this to the point where the creators thought it'd be profitable to make a new season lmfao decent viewership now they can go for another season rip anime community |
Dec 21, 2017 12:45 PM
Natsuko has truly a weird way to show her love😅 Btw dunno how she managed to stand up and take the chainsaw without one of the others taking notice of it. Terrible show,but had potential as unintenional comedy so that's why it's not completely worthless. 2/10 |
One Piece episode 914 & 915 & 1027 were a mistake and 957 brought the salvation - FMmatron |
Dec 21, 2017 12:46 PM
FMmatron said: Natsuko has truly a weird way to show her love😅 Btw dunno how she managed to stand up and take the chainsaw without one of the others taking notice of it. Terrible show,but had potential as unintenional comedy so that's why it's not completely worthless. 2/10 I think the show goes too far in the end, from "so bad that it's good" to "so bad it's not even funny" territory. |
Dec 21, 2017 12:46 PM
its not only infuriating that the end of the game and the ending in general sucked its not only infuriating that Riona is the main one after appearing out of nowhere whats really infuriating is that they are teasing more!!! (unless they are saying the game is still alive, which hopefully is more likely) fuck this show |
Dec 21, 2017 12:50 PM
Ventus_S said: FMmatron said: Natsuko has truly a weird way to show her love😅 Btw dunno how she managed to stand up and take the chainsaw without one of the others taking notice of it. Terrible show,but had potential as unintenional comedy so that's why it's not completely worthless. 2/10 I think the show goes too far in the end, from "so bad that it's good" to "so bad it's not even funny" territory. That's why I wrote potential, thought it was still funny at the beginning,but once they tried too hard with the plot it became really dull. |
One Piece episode 914 & 915 & 1027 were a mistake and 957 brought the salvation - FMmatron |
Dec 21, 2017 1:06 PM
Ventus_S said: MistLiigh said: BlazeSoulReaperX said: MistLiigh said: I was really hoping we could at least end the show on another comedic high note like Ria's complete apathy to being literally on fire in episode 6, but nope... Just another terrible episode. At least Natsuko is dead, I HATE that they tried (really, REALLY poorly I might add) to redeem her at the end with the whole tragic love BS (which as with literally everything about this show, was executed terribly). No, that is not okay, she's still an awful person, maybe she wasn't always, but she is now and you can't change that so easily as she's dying and very intentionally taking someone else with her. Also, I know I shouldn't be questioning the dumb non-logic of this show at this point, but I just have to get it off my chest: WHERE THE HELL DID THE CHAINSAW COME FROM AND WHY WAS IT THE WEAKEST CHAINSAW IN HISTORY?! probably found it in whatever building was there at the end im only question how natsuko didnt die right away from that blood lost and how the hell she even had the strength to pick up the saw after that It was really a rhetorical question. I can put that together myself, but it doesn't actually matter where it came from, what matters is that they made absolutely no effort to justify its existence in a place where you would never expect it to exist. It just ends up being a Deus Ex Machina to facilitate the plot, regardless of whether it makes sense or not. KaijuOrchestra said: 2/10, just marginally better than being murdered with a chainsaw. Thank you so much for the good laugh. I just want you to know that someone appreciated your joke. Kenny_Stryker said: And, now it comes down to King's Game vs School Days. Apples and oranges my friend. King's Game has some legitimately interesting ideas, but manages to horribly botch the execution of every single one of them while mixing in some bad ideas just to sour your palate; School Days on the other hand is just a bad idea executed reasonably well. Now hold on, I can already hear people yelling at me that School Days wasn't well executed, just let me finish. First, I said reasonably well, by which I mean that they did the best you really could have hoped for with the idea they were given. And as far as I can tell, that idea seems to have been "completely undermine the typical drama/romance story and make the audience feel anger and disgust," and it definitely achieved that goal. The problem is just that the goal was one that would make people hate the show... King's Game is just the opposite: it had a good idea, but failed spectacularly to come anywhere close to achieving it. Long story short, they're both bad shows for completely opposite reasons. At least School Days have believable characters. People like Sekai and Makoto really exist in real life, and there're quite a few of them mind you. Makoto actually has very realistic characteristic traits (irresponsible, indecisive, drawn in lust, doesn't care about his love interest's well-being, etc) of our real world, this is why we dislike him so much. It is his harem that doesn't has realistic character traits to fall in love with human trash like Makoto. Kotonoha being the biggest offender, along with all his other harems. Yes, having at least some character consistency was another thing I pointed out when the same comparison was made in a different episode's discussion. I was trying to be a little less wordy this time around lol. Yeah, I think school days is objectively better written, but this show, while often painfully cringy, was less infuriating at least, and occasionally funny. |
Dec 21, 2017 1:09 PM
Omg this episode was very funny. I laughed a lot lmao. This show was bad from the beginning to the end. The only thing which was great are the opening and the ending. And flashbacks from the first season were better than the moments with the actual story of the second season so I give a 3 / 10 for this anime and i will don't watch the sequel. |
Dec 21, 2017 1:13 PM
Nice comedy as always. I enjoyed it. I had rated it 2/10 up to this episode. Now I updated my rate to 1/10. |
Dec 21, 2017 1:17 PM
Dec 21, 2017 1:19 PM
Haven't laughed this hard in a long time. 2/10 |
Dec 21, 2017 1:19 PM
Leatherface could teach Natsuko a thing or two about how to murder/mayhem with a chainsaw. |
Dec 21, 2017 1:26 PM
So bad yet good? God no.. At first it caught my attention, but the stupidity of characters and plot made me feel bad, should change my signature now, tokyo ghoul is masterpiece compared to this... |
. |
Dec 21, 2017 1:36 PM
OMG ITS OVER BOIS, ITS FINALLY OVER WE ARE FREE, wait what season 2? IM GOING TO WATCH IT GODDAMNIT I WANT TO SUFFER MORE. This might have been even worst than episode 11. The sad thing is that i still had my hopes up up until episode 9-10, then i gave up lol. My very first show that going to recieve a 1/10. I dont know what else could i say, i would just repeat others honestly, the concept was good, but they fucked it up. |
Dec 21, 2017 1:46 PM
The show was pretty entertaining. i loved all the WTF moments and that ending especially the heaven part was dank. overall i'll give it 7/10 hyped for S2! |
Dec 21, 2017 1:59 PM
Well the finale was... something I guess. Not bad, not good either. It didn't really cleared anything at all in the end, at least Mayoiga did end the series with an... somewhat okay note? But in all seriousness I don't think the series is that bad. Yeah, premise is good but execution was ass, characters are bad, etc. But I don't it was that bad to the point where I would hate it. And I did enjoyed it to some degree (even though the virus part was so stupid). The Music did saved it (somewhat) and the art just looked standard, that's it. If there is a second season then I wouldn't really mind. Since I prefer that over a LOT of other second seasons announced so far, and I mean the ones that I hated in their first seasons, not all of them. Overall: 5/10. It had issues but I did enjoyed it to an degree. That's all I'll have to say about it. |
Dec 21, 2017 2:08 PM
xSkipi said: 100% agree this is worse than handshakers, HS was experimental and overdid it IMO and failed but Ousama G is something atrocious lol.worse than hand shakers |
The Anime Binge Is Life -PolarCyrus97 2k17- |
Dec 21, 2017 2:13 PM
Seven should cancel season 2 and make a sequel of everybody's favourite hentai (me included) Rance and more quality hentai. (Also Okusama Seitokaichou S2 and I can't understand what my husband is saying S2). |
The Anime Binge Is Life -PolarCyrus97 2k17- |
Dec 21, 2017 2:18 PM
thepath said: I did not watch last episode yet but I want to drop my review here because I'm sick of haters everywhere. This also 1st time I write review for anime. My review: "I personally found this anime very enjoyable. If you enjoy watching people brutally killed, suffer, break their fingers, forced to have sex, extreme drama and female character with evil/sadistic personality, then this is the right anime for you. For me this anime proves that you don't always need those "well written anime" to enjoy it. A lot of haters here are just judging anime based how well written the story and how much plot holes or because some character act stupidly in some situation. Those haters start analyzing the this anime as if it is Shakespeare story book or some kind of scientific journal. I don't take anime too seriously. Character in anime does not always have to act the same way that people expect in real life For me this show is just a pure enjoyment. It entertaining (for me) to watch fictional people suffer and try hard to survive. It does not matter if the story is weak and poorly written when I'm enjoying it. I'm on episode 11 when I wrote this review, and last few episodes were the best in my opinion so far Many of those who gave it 1/10 or 2/10 watched it until the last episode which makes me suspect that many of these haters don't genuinely believe that anime deserve such a low score. I mean why watch something that you think deserve such low score until the end ?! If I rate something 1/10 then that thing has to be so boring that I could not watch it at all It is also worth to mention that this show is noting like Mayoiga. Mayoiga is children version of Ousama Game. If you found Mayoiga boring like me then does not mean Ousama Game is same. Ousama game is real dark/horror show with people slaughtered in every place unlike Mayoiga " Thats good news. Hoping for new season. Unfortunately, Natsuko is not alive because she is by far my favorite character. I absolutely refuse to believe that this is anything other than bait. |
Dec 21, 2017 2:22 PM
What a bullshit ending. RIP humanity. 1/10 |
Three things cannot be long hidden.. ...the s u n, the m oo n, and the tr u th. |
Dec 21, 2017 2:24 PM
MyKamiList said: AsT5 said: MyKamiList said: So the survivor of each game will be the carrier of the virus. We know that each game only has 1 survivor, and the game involves like 30 people. Assuming each game takes 5 days to finish, and it kills about 30 people, how many millenniums would it takes to wipe the entire human race? The earth itself has a higher chance to be destroyed before the humanity went extinct from this game. that's half the info according to the current manga all the Japanese and taiwanese school students will be killed then the virus will go on towards the working adults thanks to internet so humanity might end up soon So the internet is the main carrier of the virus, which means it's all the same whether there is a survivor or not, and that debunks the whole point of the "dying message", unless I am missing something that is. Damn, this is one of those rare shows that the more I think, the more I ironically enjoy it. But the village in which the virus originated, they used letters. So even if you get rid of technology you're still dead. |
Three things cannot be long hidden.. ...the s u n, the m oo n, and the tr u th. |
Dec 21, 2017 2:36 PM
Wow what a train wreck. This is the worst anime I have ever seen but at least it had some unintentional hilarity. I have not read the manga but I feel really terrible for that author if they just butchered his work. Also, that to be continued better not go anywhere. If something like this gets a season 2 while other great shows get left in the dust... oh man. Painful. |
Dec 21, 2017 2:39 PM
BlazeSoulReaperX said: MistLiigh said: I was really hoping we could at least end the show on another comedic high note like Ria's complete apathy to being literally on fire in episode 6, but nope... Just another terrible episode. At least Natsuko is dead, I HATE that they tried (really, REALLY poorly I might add) to redeem her at the end with the whole tragic love BS (which as with literally everything about this show, was executed terribly). No, that is not okay, she's still an awful person, maybe she wasn't always, but she is now and you can't change that so easily as she's dying and very intentionally taking someone else with her. Also, I know I shouldn't be questioning the dumb non-logic of this show at this point, but I just have to get it off my chest: WHERE THE HELL DID THE CHAINSAW COME FROM AND WHY WAS IT THE WEAKEST CHAINSAW IN HISTORY?! probably found it in whatever building was there at the end im only question how natsuko didnt die right away from that blood lost and how the hell she even had the strength to pick up the saw after that I thought for sure that was at least a severed spinal cord. And, how was she on the road to heaven (assuming that's where they were headed with that stairway leading up) after she killed so many people so easily? |
Dec 21, 2017 2:43 PM
Dec 21, 2017 2:45 PM
So everything that happened was pretty much pointless since the game is still continuing......Idek what to say to this lol Also, where the hell did that chainsaw come from xD I just wanted that dude Nobu to smash Riona and be free of all of this nonsense but nah.....This anime wants to continue it's fuckery in a second season Regardless, I didn't hate this anime despite it being stupid af so I'll give it a 4/10 |
Dec 21, 2017 2:59 PM
This was maybe the worst end I ever watched. Lol Natsuko surviving the chainsaw attack. Any other character would be dead. And she goes to Heaven! So nice. |
Dec 21, 2017 3:08 PM
At least it's funny. I can't stop laughing. MAL must add "comedy" genre for this. 3.8/10 |
Dec 21, 2017 3:29 PM
thebrentinator24 said: I hope that "To be continued" at the end is just a bad joke. Wasn't the game supposed to stop when everyone died? If Riona, the last survivor, killed herself, then there shouldn't even be a teaser at the end for a new King's Game. Or does everyone dying only end the game for that specific class, instead of ending it as a whole? Because if it's the former, then it's like no shit of course that'll end the game.......EVERY PARTICIPANT IS DEAD. The reason there is even a possibility for season 2 is because of Riona. Like wtf. When she dragged his body into the water she contaminated the water with the virus and therefore someone could have drunk the water starting the game again. By no means do I think this is sound logic, but it's the only plausible solution that this mess of an anime provides. And somehow even after Nobuaki dies he still finds a way to get another girl to sacrifice herself. |
pcgrlDec 21, 2017 3:33 PM
Dec 21, 2017 3:43 PM
What a trainwreck. 2/10, Idk if I'd watch the 2nd season if it comes I stopped caring about this anime after episode 8 really and just skipped through episodes :/ |
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Dec 21, 2017 3:56 PM
Genuinely awful series, but I would love it to have a 2nd season just to laugh at it more 2/10 (best comedy of the year) |
Dec 21, 2017 4:02 PM
I don't know why but for me this anime at least deserves 5 or 4. I didn't really like the ending or the process, but somehow I still watched it until the very end. I admit I saw better endings than this anime. I can understand why people mostly hated this anime. I didn't really enjoy it, for me it was an average show. I wonder how will second season progress. |
Dec 21, 2017 4:13 PM
i had a little hope that the anime would improve but this didn't happened the end was horrible e isto |
Dec 21, 2017 4:27 PM
This was bad... A very BITTER bittersweet ending! The worst part is not that the anime is trash. It's that the story in itself is very poorly made. I really hate it how much I wanted it to be amazing. Because at the end of the day I was still looking forward to the next episode. It stuck with me and made me think a lot at how much better it could've been. The second season is definitely not gonna happen. This was trash. The last frame is most likely a way to say that the Ousama game continues. |
Dec 21, 2017 4:30 PM
Ironically, everything this show did in an attempt to be mature and dark ended up having the opposite effect. Now everyone is hailing it as a comedic masterpiece. It's not all that surprising, this show is so "edgy" the plot was probably lifted from an emo middle schooler's diary. The "to be continued" at the end means the second season is probably already in production, which is absurd. This show is a mess and it astounds me that trashy survival anime like this keep getting made. Maybe the secret message wasn't talking about the King's Game in the story, it was talking about the anime itself. They're going to keep making King's Game manga and anime until all of humanity is dead. |
Dec 21, 2017 4:36 PM
Well gotta say despite this series failing in every aspect, i still find it to be oddly entertaining not gonna lie. |
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